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US General Warns of a

US General Warns of a

General Stephen Whiting, Commander of the US Space Command, issued a stern warning to US space assets during his testimony to the Senate Military Committee.

All engines added to the core stage of NASA's Artemis II lunar rocket

All engines added to the core stage of NASA's Artemis II lunar rocket

美国宇航局位于新奥尔良的米丘德装配厂的团队已将所有四个 RS-25 发动机从结构上连接到美国宇航局阿耳忒弥斯 II 月球火箭的核心阶段。此次飞行测试是该机构在阿耳忒弥斯号上执行的首次载人任务。

NASA's experience drives the progress of humanoid robots in small businesses

NASA's experience drives the progress of humanoid robots in small businesses

NASA 的经验推动小型企业人形机器人的进步

NASA chooses small businesses for orbital debris and surface dust technology

NASA chooses small businesses for orbital debris and surface dust technology


NASA, Rocket Laboratory updates launch report for tropical cyclone mission

NASA, Rocket Laboratory updates launch report for tropical cyclone mission


The shadow puppetry of Hubble following the formation of a disk around a planet

The shadow puppetry of Hubble following the formation of a disk around a planet


Launching 3D printed rockets using innovative NASA alloys

Launching 3D printed rockets using innovative NASA alloys

使用创新的 NASA 合金发射 3D 打印火箭

Captured: Astronomers detect a star devouring a planet

Captured: Astronomers detect a star devouring a planet


NOAA's GOES-U completes solar array deployment testing

NOAA's GOES-U completes solar array deployment testing

NOAA 的 GOES-U 完成太阳能阵列部署测试

NASA chooses Blue Origin to launch the Mars magnetospheric research mission

NASA chooses Blue Origin to launch the Mars magnetospheric research mission

NASA 选择 Blue Origin 启动火星磁层研究任务

Advanced air mobility makes travel more convenient

Advanced air mobility makes travel more convenient

Advanced Air Mobility 将通过增加一种新的空中旅行方式来连接城市居民和农村居民。正如这张概念图所示,乘客可以比驾车更快地从农村地区前往城市登上商业航班、获得医疗服务或购买商品。



电动垂直起降飞机,如本概念图所示,可能成为下一代航空运输的重要组成部分。为了创造一个可行的市场,设计师必须创造舒适的乘客体验。NASA 的高级空中机动性任务正在研究乘坐质量,以更好地了解这些飞机应该如何设计。

NASA 升级后的移动任务控制中心用于分析高级空中机动性飞行测试

NASA 升级后的移动任务控制中心用于分析高级空中机动性飞行测试

NASA 升级后的移动任务控制中心用于分析高级空中机动性飞行测试




学生在 2023 年深入研究 NASA STEM 的八种方式

学生在 2023 年深入研究 NASA STEM 的八种方式

学生在 2023 年深入研究 NASA STEM 的八种方式

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