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Why ISRO’s new testing facility for home-grown cryogenic engines is key to India’s astronaut dream

Why ISRO’s new testing facility for home-grown cryogenic engines is key to India’s astronaut dream

Why ISRO’s new testing facility for home-grown cryogenic engines is key to India’s astronaut dream

This really does happen in the case of a spacecraft that’s travelling extremely fast

This really does happen in the case of a spacecraft that’s travelling extremely fast

The speed of 17,500 mph (7.8 km/s) is the speed at which the force of gravity prevents an object from flying off at a tangent. The result is that an object moving at this speed will simply go round and round the Earth. This is a horizontal speed, parall

Space Force Guardian to reach orbit for 1st time on SpaceX's Crew-9 astronaut launch

Space Force Guardian to reach orbit for 1st time on SpaceX's Crew-9 astronaut launch

U.S. Space Force Col. Nick Hague will serve as the pilot on NASA’s Space X Crew-9 mission aboard the Dragon spacecraft that will take him and his crewmates to the International Space Station

Clearspace-1 space debris cleanup target in orbit just got struck by space debris

Clearspace-1 space debris cleanup target in orbit just got struck by space debris

A leftover rocket adapter, expected to be removed from low Earth orbit in 2026, has new pieces of space debris floating nearby. That's a likely aftereffect of being hit by something small flying through space. The problem was spotted by the 18th Space Def

NASA welcomes the Czech Foreign Minister to sign the Artemis Agreement

NASA welcomes the Czech Foreign Minister to sign the Artemis Agreement




NASA 的高级空中机动性 (AAM) 任务正在使用信息交换、模拟、建模和飞行测试,帮助行业评估如何整合自动化、车辆设计和操作以及其他研究领域,以确保这种新型飞行器安全操作。

NASA 将在离地球最远的地方与猎户座共享 Artemis I 更新

NASA 将在离地球最远的地方与猎户座共享 Artemis I 更新

NASA 将在离地球最远的地方与猎户座共享 Artemis I 更新




NOAA 的 GOES-U 完成热真空测试

NOAA 的 GOES-U 完成热真空测试

NOAA 的 GOES-U 完成热真空测试




气候变化可能使更多昆虫面临灭绝风险 美国宇航局的可视化显示了2017至2021的全球温度异常数据

气候变化可能使更多昆虫面临灭绝风险 美国宇航局的可视化显示了2017至2021的全球温度异常数据


地面控制器在车站安装 Cygnus 五艘宇宙飞船停在空间站,包括天鹅座太空货轮

地面控制器在车站安装 Cygnus 五艘宇宙飞船停在空间站,包括天鹅座太空货轮

地面控制器在车站安装 Cygnus

NASA 邀请公众参与诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的第 18 次货运补给任务

NASA 邀请公众参与诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的第 18 次货运补给任务

公众可以 注册以虚拟方式参加发布会。NASA 此次发射的虚拟宾客计划包括精心策划的发射资源、及时的任务更新以及成功发射后的虚拟宾客护照印章。




NASA 邀请媒体讨论空间站科学、实验 前往国际空间站的硬件、技术演示和科学实验

NASA 邀请媒体讨论空间站科学、实验 前往国际空间站的硬件、技术演示和科学实验

NASA 将于 11 月 9 日星期三美国东部标准时间下午 1 点召开媒体电话会议,讨论SpaceX 为该机构执行的第 26 次商业补给任务前往国际空间站的硬件、技术演示和科学实验。

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