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Storied space weather observatory finally ready for launch

Storied space weather observatory finally ready for launch

Storied space weather observatory finally ready for launch

Debris killer: AI-powered solution to track tiny floating space junk

Debris killer: AI-powered solution to track tiny floating space junk

The research project involved the team modeling a prominent radar system in Europe called the Tracking and Imaging Radar to generate training and testing data for an object detection task.

Korea’s next-generation space rocket project off to bumpy start

Korea’s next-generation space rocket project off to bumpy start

Korea’s next-generation space rocket project off to bumpy start

Artemis II SLS rocket booster segment arrives at Kennedy Space Center

Artemis II SLS rocket booster segment arrives at Kennedy Space Center

SLS 固体火箭助推器由犹他州 SLS 助推器主要承包商诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司制造,具有三个主要组件,其中发动机部分是助推器的最大部分。


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